Elsevier 2016 Nursing & Midwifery Catalogue
Health Promotion | Community & Indigenous Health I n c l u d e s
I n c l u d e s
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Binan Goonj, 3e Eckermann | Dowd | Chong | Nixon | Gray | Johnson Binan Goonj, 3rd Edition: Bridging cultures in Aboriginal health is a comprehensive Indigenous health text which addresses key topics in a clear and accessible manner.
Child, Youth and Family Health, 2e Barnes | Rowe This title focuses on the importance of a collaborative partnership between healthcare professionals and members of the community.
Australia’s Rural, Remote and Indigenous Health, 3e Dade-Smith Drawing on the personal experiences of practitioners, historical accounts, literature analysis and epidemiology, this text is a practical guide to the delivery of health care in rural and remote Australia. View Sample Video
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Introduction to Public Health, 3e Fleming | Parker This title provides an up-to- date, comprehensive overview of the key concepts and principles of public health from a multidisciplinary perspective.
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