Elsevier Book Catalogue - Tafe Market
Bioethics: A Nursing Perspective, 5th Edition By Johnstone & Johnstone Product Type: Softcover Price: $84.95 AUD Subject Area: Nursing - Issues and Trends
An essential resource for both undergraduate and postgraduate students and registered nurses to develop new insights and moral wisdom around ethical issues they will face in clinical practice. Bioethics: A Nursing Perspective, 6th Edition continues to set the standard for bioethical issues in nursing practice. As with previous editions, this highly respected text provides a comprehensive framework to assist students and registered nurses to understand the ethical challenges, obligations and responsibilities they will encounter in daily practice.
ISBN: 9780729542159 Publication Date: 15/09/2015
Law for Nurses and Midwives, 7th Edition By Staunton & Chiarella Product Type: Softcover Price: $89.95 AUD Subject Area: Nursing - Issues and Trends
This text gives undergraduate and postgraduate nursing and midwifery students a concise introduction to the law as it pertains health care provision in Australia. As students will already appreciate, nursing and midwifery practice involves making decisions with and for others. This often requires evaluation of best interests and obligations and an assessment of what will best protect or enhance a patient or client’s wellbeing. Understanding the application of current legal statutes - particularly those relating to negligence and consent - as they apply to professional practice is therefore essential for all nurses and midwives.
ISBN: 9780729541022 Publication Date: 01/11/2012
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