My Rural Story - Week Five - Robyn Williams
Robyn Williams
@ElsevierAUS My name is Robyn Williams and I have lived and worked in the Northern Territory for the better part of 35 years. I first went to Darwin to do my nursing training over 35 years ago, because I had an interesting but useless Arts Degree, and I didn’t want to be an Anthropologist, still don’t. I wanted to do something that was both practical and useful, being a third generation do -gooder, and that seemed to be the best and quickest way to do it. In those days, Nurses were the main work force apart from the Aboriginal Health Care workers. So I did that for a few years, came back into Darwin to do my Graduate Diploma of Education, went back out bush teaching, then combined both
of those at what was Bachelor College teaching Aboriginal Health Workers, writing the original Aboriginal Health Workers courses and teaching those for a few years. So, it all came together like some grand plan but, wasn’t actually. I think it was also a matter of knowing what I didn’t want to do but broadly where I was working. So, I’m now coordinating the Bachelor of Health Sciences at Charles Darwin University and again, that’s another nice amalgamation of my experiences from my time, and one of those units is Rural and Remote Health which I just love.
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