Includes eBook + evolve resources!
POTTER & PERRY’S FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING, 5E – ANZ EDITION By Jackie Crisp, Clint Douglas, Geraldine Rebeiro and Donna Waters Publication date: 26th September, 2016
CLINICAL SKILLS WORKBOOK, 3E By Geraldine Rebeiro, Damian Wilson, Natashia Scully and Leanne Jack Publication date: 26th September, 2016
A complete fundamentals of nursing suite that continues to set the standard as the leading fundamentals texts for Australian and New Zealand nursing students. Potter & Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing, 5e – ANZ Edition and F undamentals of Nursing Clinical Skills Workbook, 3e focus on the very important basics – the fundamentals of care that are the building blocks on which professional nursing practice is built. These new editions will prepare students for the dynamic and evolving nature of nursing practice and will challenge them to become competent, engaged and agile nurses of today, leading the way to be effective nurses of the future. Now aligned to the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice, 2016 (AUS) and Competencies for Registered Nurses, 2007 (NZ), both Potter & Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing, 5e – ANZ Edition and Fundamentals of Nursing Clinical Skills Workbook, 3e are the only fundamentals suite in the market that are aligned to the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice, 2016.
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