• Fundamentals of Care Framework for nursing practice enables students to recognise and understand their perceptions of nursing and use concepts, hypotheses, frameworks, theories and everyday clinical experiences to think creatively about nursing and provide holistic person-centred care • Generic approach to clinical reasoning enables students to work with any of the Clinical Reasoning models they may encounter across their undergraduate or postgraduate studies • Increased focus on the concept of ‘self-care’ to encourage student nurses to put strategies in place to ensure their own emotional, cognitive and physical health • An enhanced focus on family involvement in patient care as part of the person-centred care approach to creating caring and therapeutic relationships with patients
• Directly aligned to Fundamentals of Nursing Clinical Skills Workbook, 3e
• 75 Clinical Skills link applied nursing skills to effective clinical practice
Building nursing practice: the Fundamentals of Care Framework
Engaging patients and keeping them safe
Rebecca Feo, Tiffany Conroy, Jan Alderman and Alison Kitson
Tiffany Conroy, Rebecca Feo, Jan Alderman and Alison Kitson
Learning outcomes Mastery of the contentwill enable you to:
KEYTERMS Biomedicalmodel, p. 26 Biopsychosocial model,p. 27 Concepts,p.16 Conceptual framework,p.16 Contextof care, p. 20 FundamentalsofCare Framework,p. 17
KEYTERMS Engagement,p.31 Environmental safety, p.38 FundamentalsofCare Framework,p. 31 Personal safety, p.33 Physical safety, p.34
FundamentalsofCare PracticeProcess, p.17 Relationship,p. 19 Tacit knowledge, p.16 Theories,p.17 Working hypothesis, p.17
Learning outcomes Mastery of the contentwill enable you to: • use the Fundamentals ofCarePracticeProcess to deliverperson- centred nursing care • recognise and understandperceptions of nursing heldby you and others • identify and use concepts,working hypotheses, frameworks and theories to inform thedelivery of your nursing care • think creatively about nursing and providing person-centred care • access a range of theories.
boundaries,p.41 Psychosocial safety, p. 35
• addresspatient safety using the Fundamentals ofCare Framework • identify potential negative consequences of your actions and how tominimise these • engagewith patients and their families to establish a therapeutic relationship • assess all elements of a patient’spersonal safety, including physical, psychosocial and environmental safety • identify and address possible risks to your personal safety as a nurse • assesswhen your relationshipwith apatient hasmoved from therapeutic to non-therapeutic • be aware of appropriatework health safety and occupational health and safety regulations and codes of practice.
Risks,p. 33 Safety,p.31 Therapeutic
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