PU Conference Series - ASH 2017
PracticeUpdate is guided by a world-renowned Editorial and Advisory Board that represents community practitioners and academic specialists with cross-disciplinary expertise. Editor-in-Chief Lee Schwartzberg MD, FACP Associate Editors Isabel Cunningham MD, Axel Grothey MD Advisory Board Benjamin Anderson MD, FACS,
Kimberly Blackwell MD, Roxana Dronca MD, Wilfried Eberhardt MD, Rafael Fonseca MD, Andre Goy MD, Annette Hasenburg Prof. Dr. med, David Henry MD, Eric Jonasch MD, Jeffrey Kirshner MD, FACP, Howard Scher MD , David Straus MD, Roger Stupp MD
Editorial Contributors Brandt Esplin MD, PhD, Jeremy Jones MD, Neil Majithia MD, Jarushka Naidoo MD, Moshe Ornstein MD, Erin Schenk MD, PhD, Jeffrey Wiisanen MD
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© Todd Buchanan 2017, with permission by ASH
CONTENTS ASH 2017 • 9–12 December 2017 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA BY THE PRACTICEUPDATE EDITORIAL TEAM
4 Weekly Subcutaneous Emicizumab a New Standard of Care in Hemophilia Management 6 bb2121 Anti-BCMA CAR T-Cell Therapy Leads to Durable Clinical Responses in Heavily Pretreated Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma 7 The CAR T Agent KTE-C19 Demonstrates Significant Clinical Benefit With Manageable Adverse Effects in Refractory Aggressive Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 8 CTL019 Produces High 6-Month Response Rates in Highly Pretreated Adult Relapsed/Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma 10 Brentuximab Vedotin + Doxorubicin, Vinblastine, Dacarbazine Proves Superior to ABVD in Previously Untreated Stage 3 or 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 12 The Applied Clinical Protocol for Gene Therapy for β-Thalassemia, GLOBE LV Is Shown to Be Well Tolerated and Reduces the Transfusion Requirement
13 Rivaroxaban Reduces Recurrence of Venous Thromboembolism Significantly More Than Dalteparin 14 The Investigational mAb Mogamulizumab Proves Superior to Vorinostat in Previously Treated Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma 16 BLU-285, a KIT D816V Inhibitor, Proves Promising in Advanced Systemic Mastocytosis 18 Mutations in the SRP54 Gene Cause Severe Primary Neutropenia as Well as Shwachman-Diamond-Like Syndrome 18 ADCT-402, A CD19-Directed mAB, Shows Encouraging Early Results in Relapsed/Refractory B-Cell Non- Hodgkin Lymphoma 20 Consistently Strong Results Support the Addition of Daratumumab to Therapy for Transplant-Ineligible Newly Diagnosed Myeloma 22 The HbS Polymerization Inhibitor Voxelotor GBT440 Has Demonstrated Positive Initial Results in Adolescents With Sickle Cell Disease
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