Practice Update: Cardiology
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Terms & conditions of entry: Entries are open to Australian residents (excluding the ACT) who are practising medical professionals. Only one entry per person will be accepted. Entrants must complete the survey by answering all questions and submitting the completed survey online via the link provided by 23.59 (AEST) 30th September 2017 to be eligible for the prize draw. There will be 1 (one) prize drawn on 30th September 2017 for a FitBit Alta HR worth $249 (recommended RRP). The winner will be notified by telephone and email on the same day. For full terms and conditions, go to . NSW Permit No. LTPM/17/01510. Important privacy notice: Elsevier Australia and its related bodies corporate recognise the importance of protecting your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000. For our full privacy statement visit
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