Practice Update: Cardiology
RESEARCH Editor’s picks 4 Sudden cardiac death: pharmacotherapy and proarrhythmic drugs 5 GI safety of celecoxib vs naproxen in patients with cardiothrombotic diseases and arthritis after upper GI bleeding 6 Ambulatory hemodynamic monitoring reduces heart failure hospitalizations in “real-world” clinical practice 7 Elderly patients cared for by younger physicians have lower mortality rates 7 Lower risk of heart failure Hypertension 13 Maternal antihypertensive use and congenital heart defects Arrhythmias/heart rhythm disorders 14 Systemic inflammation as a novel QT-prolonging risk factor in patients with Torsades de Pointes 15 Incidence of AF sinks following normalization of testosterone levels after testosterone replacement therapy Cardiac imaging 16 Acute kidney injury after radial or femoral access for invasive acute coronary syndrome management 17 Effect of metformin and lifestyle on coronary artery calcium in the Diabetes Prevention Program Heart failure 18 Update on the management of heart failure from the ACC/ AHA/HFSA 19 Risk assessment and comparative effectiveness of left ventricular assist device and medical management in ambulatory heart failure patients Interventional cardiology 20 Long-term outcomes improve when patients are switched to clopidogrel after ACS and death in patients initiated on SGLT-2 inhibitors vs other glucose-lowering drugs
Cover 4 Sudden cardiac death:
PracticeUpdate is guided by a world-renowned Editorial and Advisory Board that represents community practitioners and academic specialists with cross-disciplinary expertise. Douglas Zipes MD Associate Editors Joerg Herrmann MD, Benjamin Scirica MD Advisory Board Deepak Bhatt MDMPH FACC FAHA FSCAI FESC, Peter Libby MD, Paul Thompson MD, James Udelson MD, Ronald Victor MD, Gary Webb MD, Clyde Yancy MDMScMACCFAHAMACP FHFSA Editor-in-Chief PracticeUpdate® is a registered trademark of Elsevier Inc. © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. ABOUT PracticeUpdate Cardiology provides coverage of key research from leading international conferences, and a collection of top journal articles and accompanying expert commentaries in a convenient print periodical. These and more are also available online at www. PracticeUpdate and PracticeUpdate Cardiology are commercially supported by advertising, sponsorship, and educational grants. Individual access to is free. Premium content is available to any user who registers with the site. While PracticeUpdate is a commercially-sponsored product, it maintains the highest level of academic rigour, objectivity, and fair balance associated with all Elsevier products. No editorial content is influenced in any way by commercial sponsors or content contributors. DISCLAIMER PracticeUpdate Cardiology has been developed for specialist medical professionals. The ideas and opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Publisher. Elsevier will not assume responsibility for damages, loss, or claims of any kind arising from or related to the information contained in this publication, including any claims related to the products, drugs, or services mentioned herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made. Please consult the full current Product Information before prescribing any medication mentioned in this publication. Although all advertising material is expected to conform to ethical (medical) standards, inclusion in this publication does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement of the quality or value of such product or of the claims made of it by its manufacturer. SALES Fleur Gill Linnea Mitchell-Taverner PRODUCTION Editorial Manager Anne Neilson Editorial Project Manager Carolyn Ng Designer Jana Sokolovskaja Editorial Contributors Ashish Aggarwal MD, Samer Ajam MD, Jason Garlie MD
pharmacotherapy and proarrhythmic drugs
Conference coverage
8 ACC 2017 8 ACC expert roundups
10 ATS 2017 10 COPD exacerbations in those with CVD may raise MI/stroke risk 12 Sleep apnea may increase risk of atrial fibrillation
Features 21
My approach to the patient with an infected implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) 22 My approach to the patient with left main disease
PracticeUpdate Cardiology is published by Elsevier Australia ISSN 2206-4672 (Print) ISSN 2208-0228 (Online)
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VOL. 2 • NO. 1 • 2017
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