PracticeUpdate Conference Series: ERS 2018
PracticeUpdate is guided by a world-renowned Editorial and Advisory Board that represents community practitioners and academic specialists with cross-disciplinary expertise. Editor-in-Chief David Rakel MD, FAAFP Associate Editors Tricia Elliott MD, FAAFP, Peter Lin MD, CCFP Advisory Board Robert Bonakdar MD, FAAFP, FACN , Dennis Butler PhD , Frederick Chen MD, MPH , Irene Hamrick MD, FAAFP, AGSF, Dipesh Navsaria MPH, MSLIS, MD , Jonathan Temte MD, PhD Editorial Contributors Michael Allen MD , Andrea Dotson MD
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© ERS 2018
ERS 2018 • 15–19 September 2018 • Paris, France BY THE PRACTICEUPDATE EDITORIAL TEAM
2 ANA Prevalent in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 3 AI Improves Testing and Diagnosis of Lung Disease 4 Azithromycin May Reduce Time to Treatment Failure in Acute Exacerbations of COPD 5 Three Exosomal miRNAs May Be Key Drivers of COPD 6 50-Minute Test for Viral Infections Reduces Hospital Admissions and Antibiotic Use 8 Targeted Lung Denervation Linked to Improvement in Symptoms of COPD 8 Nitrate Supplementation Enhances Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Patients With COPD 10 Soot From Polluted Air Reaches the Placenta
12 Green Space Near Home During Childhood Linked to Fewer Respiratory Problems in Adulthood 12 Uterine Exposure to Organochlorine Pesticides Linked to Poorer Lung Function 14 Numbers of BALF Neutrophil-Derived Microvesicles Correlate With Severity of COPD 16 Asthma Predisposes Patients to Obesity 18 Paracetamol Use in Infancy Linked to Higher Asthma Risk in Some Teenagers 19 Children With Asthma Less Likely to Finish School and to Work in Nonmanual Occupations 20 Bacteria Passed From Uterus to Fetus Linked to Premature Birth and Breathing Difficulty
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