Your Nursing Survival Guide

about helping people get better, it’s also quite often about helping them deal with not getting better. Being able to help someone at their lowest point is beneficial to both parties, and that is truly a gift. Secondly, I learnt that nursing could help me grow tremendously. It allowed me to see the suffering of others and it has shown me the power of empathy. Nursing is more than just physical assistance, it allows someone to experience an illness without being sick. I started my degree when I was only 17, now at 21 I am an entirely different person because of the lessons I have learnt from the people I have cared for. Finally, I chose to stay in my nursing degree because of the satisfaction I feel after finishing work as a nurse. The fulfilment that you get on the way home from a day of helping people is enough to help you sleep soundly at night and wake up excited for the day ahead. I initially picked nursing to eventually move onto something else. Now I choose to continue nursing because of the rewarding career paths I can take. I can help people in Australia, Afghanistan, England, Syria or any other place in the world. Upon completion of

my degree, I will have a skill that will allow me to do good both on the other side of the world and in my own backyard. It’s easy to say, “I chose nursing so I can help people” but it’s a lot harder to actually do it. Nursing isn’t and will never be easy, but after the experience my degree has given me, I can't imagine doing anything else. A degree in nursing is a lot more than just following doctors’ orders, it’s an opportunity to grow as a person and learn tangible skills to help others. The degree you are about to start will afford you so many valuable life lessons that will help you on the path to a career you will love.

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